Triple Amaretto Chocolate Cake picture above, courtesy of Miles, who made it for his D & D group. (I wish I could have been there.) No pic of the Hershey's cake, but it is just a simple one-layer cake that can be frosted in the pan.
Here are two recipes.
First, from the Hershey's Cocoa Cookbook, published 1979, no longer in print (that I can find, anyway). If you come across a copy at a yard sale, don't pass it up.
Scratch (no mix) chocolate cake that is pretty easy. Bakes in a single layer in a 9X13X2 inch pan. Grease and flour the pan before you start mixing ingredients, and also start pre-heating the oven.
Here's another recipe for a frosting using whipped cream - refrigerate this frosting and the cake it is on:
2 cups whipping cream
2/3 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
Beat the ingredients together until the whipping cream is whipped. Don't overdo or you will have chocolate butter.
Here's a copy of Uncle Art's Triple Chocolate Amaretto Cake recipe, posting so that the recipe is not lost to posterity (we have lost and found it a few times over the years). This is a wonderful recipe but takes more time and ingredients than the recipe above.
Here's Uncle Art's note about the cake:
FYI, though I have made the triple chocolate amaretto cake many times, I cannot claim credit. I got the recipe from my sister Susan. So for most of you, that would be Aunt Sue’s triple chocolate amaretto cake. Wonderful regardless. One word of caution: it is so rich that you will need a glass of milk to go with it. So it includes all the basic food groups.
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