Chocolate Cake (& Frosting) Recipes

Triple Amaretto Chocolate Cake picture above, courtesy of Miles, who made it for his D & D group. (I wish I could have been there.) No pic of the Hershey's cake, but it is just a simple one-layer cake that can be frosted in the pan.  

Here are two recipes.

First, from the Hershey's Cocoa Cookbook, published 1979, no longer in print (that I can find, anyway). If you come across a copy at a yard sale, don't pass it up.

Scratch (no mix) chocolate cake that is pretty easy. Bakes in a single layer in a 9X13X2 inch pan. Grease and flour the pan before you start mixing ingredients, and also start pre-heating the oven. 

You will probably want to frost the above cake. The recipe below (with a chart for various quantities) is similar to what I do, though I like to substitute coffee for milk in the small amounts called for. Your cake needs to be completely cool (or almost) before you put the frosting on. Make the 2-cup quantity or a little more for the Wacky Cocoa Cake. Start by creaming the butter with some of the sugar and with the cocoa, add more sugar and the vanilla and coffee, beating with a fork to a smooth (and somewhat shiny) consistency. You can beat the frosting again with a fork just before putting it on the cake if you have let it sit for a bit. 

Here's another recipe for a frosting using whipped cream - refrigerate this frosting and the cake it is on:

2 cups whipping cream
2/3 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup cocoa

Beat the ingredients together until the whipping cream is whipped. Don't overdo or you will have chocolate butter. 

Here's a copy of Uncle Art's Triple Chocolate Amaretto Cake recipe, posting so that the recipe is not lost to posterity (we have lost and found it a few times over the years). This is a wonderful recipe but takes more time and ingredients than the recipe above. 

Here's Uncle Art's note about the cake: 

FYI, though I have made the triple chocolate amaretto cake many times, I cannot claim credit. I got the recipe from my sister Susan. So for most of you, that would be Aunt Sue’s triple chocolate amaretto cake. Wonderful regardless. One word of caution: it is so rich that you will need a glass of milk to go with it. So it includes all the basic food groups.
